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اخبار الكنيسة Church News اخبار الكنيسة Church News
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اخبار الكنيسة
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Coptic Churches Celebrate Holy Thursday Confirmation of the sacrament

Coptic Churches Celebrate Holy Thursday Confirmation of the sacrament

Coptic Churches Celebrate Holy Thursday Confirmation of the sacrament
Coptic Churches Celebrate Holy Thursday Confirmation of the sacrament

 Thursday Confirmation of the sacrament

On Thursdays in the Coptic churches the "Covenant Thursday" prayer takes place, which is the last Thursday of Holy Week.

It should be noted that Holy Thursday is one of the most important holidays in the world, it has a special place in our hearts, because the Lord Jesus has confirmed the sacrament of Holy Communion.

This great feast is called by several names, including Holy Thursday or Covenant Thursday, also known as Holy Thursday, the last supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples (according to the canonical Gospel), the day Jesus was washed. the feet of his disciples, preached to them to love one another as he loved them, left them his will. In many Catholic, Protestant orthodox churches, the priest washes the feet of the worshipers and anoints them with oil on this day, as Jesus did. did with his students.

It was called the "Thursday of the Covenant" because Jesus was arrested the night after Judas, one of Jesus' disciples, betrayed him, betrayed the Jews, and stood before him in court for blasphemy.

Holy Thursday is the fifth day of Holy Week, preceded by "Easter Wednesday" followed by "Good Friday". The date of this day always falls between March 19 and April 22, but these dates fall on different days, depending on whether the Gregorian or the Julian calendar is used, and the Eastern churches usually use the Julian calendar, so the holiday is celebrated on the 21st. In the century from April 1 to May 5 according to the Gregorian calendar և is more common.

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بقلم : الخادم

بقلم : الخادم


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